Friday, May 9, 2008

The first rule of Flight Club....

While this blog is in it's infancy, I am by no means new to the blogging community. I've followed several blogs for upwards of two years now. (Random side note: Is it weird that I can tell you what has been happening to several individuals in the Richmond area even though I have never met them, and have no clue what they look like?) And since quitting my job, I've found that I have a huge expanse of extra time on my hands. So what's a girl to do with all that extra time?

Torture her boyfriend.

Just kidding. I think.

Spend all of her extra time sitting around reading other people's blogs and thinking about starting her own of course. And this nightly quasi-stalking ritual that I go through each night brought me up to speed on a very interesting conversation that has been going on at one of my favorite local blogs. RVANews posted an item about the recent lockdown of the University of Richmond's campus. I'm not going to get into the specifics of comments and the level to which is was escalated. If you are that interested, I provide you a link for heaven's sake, go check it out.

However, this particular argument/back and forth brought a very important question to mind for me. How do you accept opinions for other folk when you sincerely feel that you are right? You have to know the type of argument that I am talking about. You have an opinion that is radically different from someone else, and they refuse to accept or even acknowledge that you have a justifiable argument. Aggravating? Sure. Impossible? Maybe. Can it be overcome? Egh....therein lies the problem.

When are the opinions we hold so correct that we can't even accept that they are being challenged? And what are we supposed to do when we would rather smack someone in the face then listen to their dribble for another second? I personally have a problem with this. I really have to step outside of my mind and realize that someone might, (might being the keyword here) be right. But *gasp* that would mean that I was wrong.

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